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The Village hall is is always keen to hear from local residents - if you have views do let us know - by email to our new Chair Emma Daynes

Our next event is the Quiz on 05.10.24 with the return of Dorothy as the

quiz mistress

We also have a new venture - Paint Party with Penelope James - see Events page for more details 

MacMillan Cancer Support Group

If you are living with or beyond Cancer then the MacMillan Cancer

Support Group may be able to help. The group meets on the last Friday

of each month at Cromer Hospital.

Please see the attached poster for details.


Dog Fouling

Skeyton Parish Council would like to remind all residents and visitors

that it is an offence to not clean up after your dogs. You will see a

number of posters going up around the village

Please do your bit to help to keep our community clean.



Do you have slow Broadband ? Fed up with your current provider ?

to hear about plans from County Broadband to cable up the village find out more at : 

This has been a long time coming but some people in Skeyton are now connected and the village hall is too .


Useful Links

Please see the updated Useful Links Page if  you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, these mental health charities, organisations and support groups can offer expert help and advice. 


Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau

The Holt office of Norfolk Citizens Advice are now offering a limited service on Tuesdays and Fridays. Clients are invited to leave their details for a call-back when they will be interviewed over the telephone.

Adviceline 03444 111444 Email advice

here this isn't possible they will try their best to arrange a face to face appointment at the office, Kerridge Way, Holt N25 6DN


Community Support Hub

Colin Brown is a Coordinator with the local Community Support Hub based in North Walsham. Colin will be managing and directing volunteers to those residents who are most vulnerable. This can involve the collection and delivery of prescriptions, food deliveries and other general tasks, even dog walking.


Contact the Hub HQ on 01263 51600 or email , providing all relevant contact details and needs.


Village Hall

Our strap line is "the heart of the community" and the members of the Village Hall committee work hard to encourage this. We try to organise events that will interest village residents and if there's something you would like to see on the calendar, just let one of us know - we're always happy to have new ideas.

Please remember the Village Hall is for us all.To book use the online booking - any problems ring Emma on 07818 684430

Regular events - details on Community Noticeboard



Visit the website regularly to see what events are coming up at Skeyton Village Hall and what's being discussed at Parish Council meetings.

Local community events can be advertised on the Community Noticeboard.  If you wish to advertise an event please phone Sue on 01692 53887


Skeyton Village Hall, Felmingham Road, Skeyton. Norfolk. NR10 5AS

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